Do you know how secure your home is? It can be easy to neglect various things in your home when you look at the same thing every day. It can even be tempting to pick up various habits that can pose a risk to your home. If you are busy throughout the week, you may not even realize some of your actions.
It is important to be aware of your actions and your habits because they will play a key role in your safety, as well as the safety of your home and your family. Taking a few preventative measures before you leave your home every day can help put your mind at ease. Here are a few security audits you can perform to ensure your safety.
How Good Are Your Locks?
A key line of defense against burglars is your door locks. What type of locks do you have? Do your current locks fit your needs? While performing your security audit, determine if your locks are operating the way they should and verify that all of your doors have the appropriate locks. If you discover that your locks are not providing you with the security level you need, we would encourage you to make the necessary changes so you will feel comfortable.
Are Your Doors and Windows Intact?
If you step into the mind of a burglar, what entry points would you use to gain access to one’s home. An intruder will immediately go to a door or a window in their attempt to enter your home. During your home security audit, inspect your doors and windows to determine their conditions. Will it be easy for someone to enter your home through your windows? Do your windows have locks? Is there a crack in your window that an intruder can use to his or her advantage? If your doors and/or windows need to be repaired or tightened, it is important to make the adjustments.
Do You Have Safety Devices?
How many working safety devices do you have in your home? During your audit, determine how many safety devices and detectors in your home are working. Smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and other safety devices can have a key impact on your safety. Ensure that you have working devices in your home and that everyone is aware that there are safety devices in your home.
During your home security audit, we encourage you to include everyone in your home, so they are aware of the safety plan. When you include everyone in the home security audit, everyone will better understand what they can do to help keep the home safe and free of intruders. For more information on what you can do to improve your home’s security, please do not hesitate to contact us today.