Medical emergencies happen. If a member of your family has a medical condition, you may get that uncomfortable, nagging feeling whenever you have to step out for a while. That is understandable. It is also unnecessary. You can ensure their safety without hindering anyone’s independence. You can team up with ProTec and the LifeGard Personal Medical Alert System.
ProTec and LifeGard For Peace of Mind
With ProTec Services and LifeGard, your loved ones will have protection 24 hours a day, every day of the week. Our system is even equipped with a two-way voice module.
- The Module allows for two-way communication when the alarm is activated
- Includes a wireless wristband or necklace
- Affordable and easy to use
LifeGard is Not Only for Seniors
Anyone with a disability will benefit from LifeGard. Everyone will know that you, or your loved one, will have access to emergency care at the push of a button. LifeGard is not only for the protection of senior citizens.
- Anyone who has severe allergies or asthma or lung disease
- A person with high blood pressure, heart disease or history of stroke
- Anyone with a seizure or fainting disorder
- A person recently released from a hospital or rehabilitation center
- If a person taking medication that causes drowsiness or dizziness
- A person with mobility issues or prone to falls
You Can Trust ProTec
When you trust ProTec for your personal emergency needs, your medical personnel will know your location and know where to find relevant medical information, if you or your loved one cannot speak for yourselves. There is no risk.
- The communication device and panic button are free with service
- No hidden fees or additional costs
- Lifetime warranty on equipment and batteries
- No installation charge or long-term contract
You can trust ProTec for all of your security needs; we also provide home and office monitored security systems, smartphone access, door sensors, window sensors, wireless keypads and more. Contact ProTec to learn more about LifeGard or any of our security systems, or to arrange a quote. We can find the perfect security system for you and your family.