Home Security Experts in Greenville, SC Encourage Homeowners To Choose Strong Passcodes

security passcode being entered on keypad

Your home should be your optimum safety place, and this is why it is so important to avoid leaving your home’s security up to chance. For everyone who has cell phones, computers, and other mobile devices, there is a familiarity with security passcodes and passwords.

Home security system passcodes are used to arm your security system and disarm your security system. Security system passcodes can also be used to perform maintenance on your home security system. The passcode is also entered into the security system to cancel the beeping sound.

Why Do I Need A Passcode?

Keypads that are passcode-protected are used to arm and disarm your home security system, and this will provide you the peace of mind you need while you are in your home and away from your home. When your system is properly armed, anyone who does not have authorized access to your home will be instantly denied access.

What will happen if the system is triggered? If the system becomes triggered and no one can quickly disarm the system, the monitoring system will likely be alerted instantly. The monitoring system will need to determine if there is a threat. If it is determined that a threat exists, the proper emergency officials will be alerted.

How Can I Choose A Passcode?

Did you know that many people still use common code combinations such as ”9999”, ”0000”, or ”1234′ to lock their devices? It is extremely critical to choose a passcode that is not easy to guess. When you are creating a passcode for your home security alarm system, you should follow the following steps:

  • Choose a passcode that is relevant to you. When your passcode is related to something meaningful or memorable in your life, you will be more likely to remember.
  • While your passcode can be related to something meaningful, avoid setting a passcode that could be guessed by someone after they obtain information about you. If your birthday or anniversary is posted on social media, someone could piece together this information and guess your security system’s passcode.

After you have decided on a strong password, one of the most important things to remember is never to make your passcode available to outsiders. If you feel better by writing your passcode on paper, you should keep the paper in a location that will not be easy for anyone else to access. You should avoid sharing your passcode with too many people because this will increase the risk of having an unwanted visitor in your home.

For more information on home security systems and how to protect your home, please do not hesitate to contact us today.